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MSE 706 Phase Transformation and Kinetics

3 Credit Hours

This course provides a foundation for the advanced understanding of the phenomenological and atomistic kinetic process in materials. It provides a basis for the analysis for the evolution of structure during material processing. The course emphasizes analysis and development of rigorous comprehension of fundamentals. Topics include: irreversible thermodynamics; diffusion; nucleation; phase transformations; fluid and heat transport; and morphological instabilities.


MSE 500 Modern Concepts in Materials Science, MSE 708 Mechanical Properties of Nanostructored Materials or consent of the instructor.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course the students will be able to:

  1. Understand the theory of irreversible thermodynamics
  2. Be familiar with the role of diffusion in influencing the kinetics of various materials phenomena
  3. Be able to calculate and explain the role of surfaces and other defects in kinetic processes
  4. Know the accepted classification schemes for phase transformations
  5. Be able to explain the formal theories for the kinetics of nucleation and growth

Course Requirements

HOMEWORK: 25% of the final grade

EXAMINATIONS: 3 exams (25% each)



Robert W. Balluffi, Samuel M. Allen, W. Craig Carter: Kinetics of Materials