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ECE 550 Power System Operation and Control

3 Credit Hours

Fundamental concepts of economic operation and control of power systems. Real and reactive power balance. System components, characteristics and operation. Steady state and dynamic analysis of interconnected systems. Tieline power and load-frequency control with integrated economic dispatch.


ECE 451 Power System Analysis or equivalent.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Develop equivalent circuits for a given power system for power flow analysis,
  • Develop computer programs to perform power flow analysis on a power system,
  • Define automatic generation control scheme on a power system and analyze generation control on a power system using simulation tools,
  • Define generation dispatching on a power system and develop generation dispatching schemes using analysis packages,
  • Define real time monitoring requirements on a power system,
  • Define State Estimation problem and analyze state estimation of a power system using analysis programs,
  • Define contingency analysis on a power system and perform contingency studies using a power flow analysis program.

Course Outline

  1. Operation and Control of Power Systems (1 wk)
  2. Modeling of system components (2 wks)
  3. Steady-State Power Flow Analysis (3 wks)
    – Formulation
    – Solution Methods
    – LTC control, generator limits
  4. Real-Time Generation Control (4 wks)
    – Automatic Generation Control
    – Economic Dispatch
  5. Real-Time Monitoring – State Estimation (3 wks)
    – Formulation
    – Solution Algorithms
  6. System Security – Contingency Analysis (1 wk)
    – Formulation
    – Solution Methods
  7. Voltage Control

Course Requirements

Grading :
Homework 20%
Term Proj. 15%
Midterm 30%
Final 35%

Matlab will be the main computational tool for both the homework and the project. Only the University approved reasons will be accepted for late homework (See

A mid-term exam will be administered to the class. The exam will be after completion of the core concepts of system analysis. Only the University approved reasons will be accepted for missing a quiz (See A make-up test will be administered at the mutual convenience of the student and the Instructor. In all cases, signed documentation must be provided to the Instructor and attached to the make-up test in order to obtain credit.

Class Project
Each student will implement the analysis method to be assigned for the project as computer program. The student will prepare a written report and submit it with the computer code.


Power System Analysis, Hadi Saadat, McGraw-Hill


Power System Analysis, John, J. Grainger & W. D. Stevenson, McGraw-Hill

Power Systems Analysis, Arthur R. Bergen, Prentice-Hall.